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Organization & Workspace Roles (Permission Levels) + Matter Roles & Matter Team Roles (Responsibility Levels)
Organization & Workspace Roles (Permission Levels) + Matter Roles & Matter Team Roles (Responsibility Levels)
Written by Ash Kelso
Updated over 9 months ago

What a user can do in Hivelight is determined by the different roles that they have.

Organization roles

The core of a Hivelight account is the organization, and an organization can have any number of workspaces. The workspaces are where the work is managed for the organization. The workspaces contain the matters and only the people invited to those workspaces can see and work on those matters.

At the organization level there are:

  • Owners

  • Members

  • Guests

Only an organization owner has access to the organisation settings (learn how to access organisation settings).

Organization members are any user who has been given the role of owner, admin, or member within any of the workspaces attached to the organisation. Guests are any user that has been given the role of guest in any of the workspaces.

Unless you are an organization owner you cannot add additional workspaces to the organization. You also cannot edit the logo or url that gets applied to the roadmaps that are created in any of the workspaces.

Workspace roles

Within a workspace each user has workspace roles that determine what they can do in the workspace.

There are:

  • Owners

  • Admins

  • Members

  • Guests

Workspace owners can do pretty much anything in a workspace. Admins can do most things (Importantly, admins and owners are the only ones who can access the workspace settings) but can not grant Owner or Admin status to other users - only Owners can do this.

Members can see all of the matters in the workspace but will have some restrictions as to what they can do. For example, a member cannot edit the dates of the milestones on a matter unless they have been given Matter Team Role of Matter Owner or Matter Lead (which serves like a local override or exception to the rule).

Guests cannot see any of the matters in a workspace except for the matters where they have been assigned a role on the matter team. This is ideal for granting access to external team members where you only want them to see the matters that they are involved in.

Matter Roles & Matter Team Roles

With in each workspace users also have Matter Roles. These tell Hivelight what type of work the user does in the team and what their level of seniority is. Helps Hivelight understand what tasks should be assigned to them if a roadmap is used or another user is removed and their tasks need to be reassigned.

By default the Matter Roles are:

  • Principal

  • Business Administration

  • Consultant

  • Advocate

  • Senior Lawyer

  • Junior Lawyer

  • Paralegal / Law Clerk

  • Senior Legal Assistant

  • Junior Legal Assistant

A user can also be given a Matter Team Role. The key Matter Team Roles are:

  • Matter Owner

  • Matter Lead

These can act as a local override of the level of seniority that the user would otherwise have due to their Matter Role.

The Matter Owner is the user who is ultimately responsible for a matter. While the Matter Lead is responsible for the day to day management of the matter.

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