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Reporting in Hivelight (Overview)
Reporting in Hivelight (Overview)
Written by Ash Kelso
Updated over a week ago

Hivelight reports empower you to make effective data driven decisions for your firm.

Access 'reports' by clicking on the reports icon (πŸ“Š) in the left hand menu.

In this article we explain each section of the reports, and provide links to assist you in taking action and making decisions on this data for your firm.


  • Matter tags: Get insights on the custom properties you've added to your matters

  • Matter types: See the spread of matter types and number of new matters per month

  • Matter Roles: Insights on the individuals and organisations involved in your matters.

Matter reports

This section provides analytics and insights at the matter level.

Matter tags

The matter tags section reports on the data points that you are tracking with your matter tags. Matter tags allow you to tag your matters with custom properties.

This means that you can get reporting on the data points that are important to you.

Each matter tag has a label and an optional value. These properties are chosen by you when you add them to your matters via the 'summary' page.

Matter types

This section provides important business development insights.

See the spread of matter types being managed by your team overall.

See the number of new matters opened each month. Hover over the graph to get a breakdown of new matters by matter type.

This helps you to track whether you are hitting your goals for new matters per month to maintain your pipeline of new work. If you have a sense of typical duration and fees per matter type, this will also help you with your cashflow forecasting.

Learn more about matter types here (Tip: you can update the matter type of your matters in bulk - learn more).

Matter Roles

This section gives you data about the people involved in your matters and the roles that they play.

Click on the different contact roles to see which people and organisations are involved in your matters in those capacities and how frequently - who refers you the most matters? which experts do you use the most? which opponents could be holding up your matters?

Remember that you can add contacts to your matters with any roles that you like.

See the distribution of case loads between your team members. Identify issues and rebalance workloads to avoid burnouts and bottlenecks.

Learn how to redistribute case loads by changing the teams working on your matters (including redistributing case loads in bulk)

Task Reports

This section provides analytics at the task level.

Longest standing tasks

See which tasks could be holding up your matters. Click on them to take action.

Overall task distribution

See the distribution of tasks amongst your team.

  • Who may be overloaded?

  • Who has capacity?

  • Which supervisors could become bottlenecks, managing too much work?

Identify issues, head off problems, and take action via the task list where you can reallocate tasks (assignee and reviewer) in bulk.

Overdue and upcoming tasks

These charts help you to see how heavy the workload is at the moment. Here you can gauge your immediate capacity to get on top of any over due or upcoming tasks.

Workload vs. Capacity

In this section the charts show you important data for gauging workloads and current and future capacity needs.

Take action:

Tasks created vs. Tasks completed

This chart shows you the number of tasks due each day and their completion status, compared to the number tasks created each day. A consistent imbalance can indicate a risk that your team won't be able to keep up with the trending workloads unless you add additional capacity.

On-time task completion - Previous 30 days

This chart shows the number of tasks due on each day in the past 30 days, and their completion status. The longer the tail of incomplete tasks the more difficulty the selected team member is having with their workload.

On-time task completion - Next 30 days

This chart shows the number of tasks due on each day in the next 30 days, and their completion status.

Demand forecasting

This chart helps you to see how heavy the workload will be (individually and for the team) throughout the year. This can be very helpful in monitoring burnout and planning leave.

To read this chart:

Each row corresponds to a day of the week (starting with Sunday as first row), and each column corresponds to a week, with the relevant month indicated at the top. Hover over any square to get the date and number of tasks due that day.

User reports

This section reports on the activity level and consistency of your team. Daily usage is important for driving up-to-date reporting and effective coordination amongst the team.

Most active vs. least active users

This table lists which users are and are not consistently active in the current Hivelight workspace in the last 15 days.

Note: Hivelight doesn't care about your mouse jiggler πŸ˜‰ These scores are based on actual activity on the tasks and matters.

User activity over time

This chart is a heat map of any selected user's activity on Hivelight over the course of a year.

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